Board of Directors


Greg Wray is a native Tennessean currently residing in the Cayman Islands He has two grown sons and two grandchildren in Florida. He is a member of First Baptist Grand Cayman. As a profession Greg has 44 years

experience as an administrator, owner, manager, consultant and advisor to the resort hotel industry. Greg first became involved with Mufutuli in 2008 and made his first short term mission trip to Zambia in 2009. That first trip changed his life! “The Zambian people are so loving, so giving and so appreciative and in spite of all the life threatening challenges they face (malaria, AIDS, wild animals, etc…) they are happy.” It is a reminder of how fortunate we are and how much we should be doing to help others. It has been an honor to be involved with this ministry and to help bring hope and the Good News of Jesus to so many.

Ron Buck


Ron became involved in Africa ministries in 1987 when he was invited to take his first mission trip to Zimbabwe. In 2000 on one of his trips he was introduced to Charles and Mary Simoonga who were language translators for American missionaries serving in Zambia. A long and lasting friendship was born out of that meeting with Charles and Mary.

A native Tennessean Ron resides in Franklin, TN with his wife Mary and two sons Robert, 22, and 8 year old EJ. He owns a real estate investment firm he established in 1985. Ron holds a BS degree in Agriculture with additional emphasis in business and marketing. “God has so richly blessed me”, Ron says, “that I can not help but give back and the people of Africa are certainly worthy of all the help you can give.”

Our Board of Directors realize it is with God’s blessing they have been placed in this ministry and look forward to what God has planned for the future.

Heather Francis


Heather Francis was born and raised in Jamaica where after completing her Chartered Accountant qualification she pursued a career with a big 5 audit firm for over seven years before completing an MBA and transitioning to the Financial Services Industry in the Cayman Islands where she currently resides.

It was during a presentation of a returning Jamaican missionary to China that the Lord first impressed on her heart that she should use the gifts, talents and resources “He has given me to serve Him in missions”. The love, compassion, selfless sacrifice and commitment to God and the Zambian people that she witnessed in Pastor Charles on both visits left her challenged to partner with Him in this great work for the kingdom.

Ron Walters

Ron & Joree Walter’s home is Oklahoma City. They have 3 sons and 2 grandchildren. As marriage for 34 years, their passion is the creation and development of habitats for people to enjoy their lives & work, and by the grace of God, they are living out their dreams.

“Charles Simoonga is the real deal…He truly lives his life as we all wish we would; focusing on God as the most important thing. Our goal is to continue to support Charles. To allow him to have the freedom to do the numerous activities that God has blessed him in doing” -RW.