Mufutuli Ministries is moving forward with the planting of church initiatives by bringing the word of the gospel to the community of Zambia. In Africa today there are close to 578 groups of people with over 3 million in population unaware of the spirit of the Christian faith. With the establishment of four churches in which Charles oversees and pastors, he is always looking to the people of Zambia to aid him with the work of God, “Go ye, therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19)
Charles Simoonga and his team are actively training men and women in villages to become pastors and laity, not only to awaken their faith in God, but to spread the faith and plant churches throughout the villages of Zambia. Teaching and educating the people of Zambia under the rightful word of the gospel allows them to grow spiritually and reach others with the same love and devotion they were blessed to receive. As a guiding and profound tool to educate those unfamiliar with the word of the gospel, the Jesus Film is being introduced to provide and heighten the understanding of the Christian faith.